c-ares is a C library for asynchronous DNS requests (including name resolves)

C89 compatibility, MIT licensed, builds for and runs on Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, MacOS, Solaris, AIX, Windows, Android, iOS and many more operating systems.


c-ares 1.28.1 (30-mar-2024) GPG Changelog

You can also download old packages


Discussions around c-ares, its use and its development, are held on the c-ares mailing list. Please, do not mail volunteers privately about c-ares. Mailing list archive

Security vulnerabilities are treated according to our security procedure, please email c-ares-security at haxx.se if you suspect one. Previous security vulnerabilities.

Source code

Browse the git repository on github.

Check out from git like this:

 git clone https://github.com/c-ares/c-ares.git

Who is c-ares?

Contributions have been made by these friendly people.

c-ares is being used by libcurl, UnreadlIRCd, BZFlag, Xymon, libevnet, gLite, aria2, sipsak, Second Life, Wireshark, node.js Apache Arrow and more

Please let us know if you use it!